Monday – Conditioning (Intervals)
Tuesday – Workout
Wednesday – Run (Intervals or Easy Run) OR Gymnastics
Thursday – REST
Friday – Workout
Saturday – Conditioning (Intervals)
Sunday – REST

Wednesday and Friday include one part of the full session that is available to members.

For the full At Home program and access to our video library and mobility plans, please go to the members area or sign up here.


A) Warm-up Flow #1
Follow along (pause the video where needed as you’re learning the sequence).


A) Handstand preparation – 2 or 3 rounds
5-8 Box pike handstand shoulder leans + open out
5 Seated overhead pulses + 5-second hold
5-8 Full handstand shoulder leans + open out (back facing wall)
5 Seated overhead pulses + 5-second hold
5-8 Full handstand shoulder leans + open out (chest facing wall) (one leg can come off wall or both)
5 Seated overhead pulses + 5-second hold


A) 3 x 9-minute EMOM (40-seconds work/20-seconds rest)
1) 35 Double-unders + Wall walks in the remaining time
2) Shuttle run*
3) 7 DB thrusters + Burpees in the remaining time

Rest 2 to 3-minutes between EMOMs

DBs. 2 x 22.5/15kg (50/35lbs) for both movements or what you have available

*1 shuttle run = 2 x 25’ (7.62m)

Movement options.
Double-unders → Speed rope steps


A) Every 5-minutes for 15-minutes
10-15 DB stiff-legged deadlifts @ tempo 30×1
10-12 DB strict presses @ tempo 30×1
8-10 DB plank drag throughs

Tempo 30×1 = 3-sec down, no pause, fast up, 1-sec pause.

DB weight. Use the heaviest DBs available that you can do for unbroken sets.


Today’s short intervals are in EMOM format with 40-seconds work/20-seconds rest. The first few minutes of each EMOM should feel controlled then get incrementally harder until you have to really fight on the last 3-minutes to keep your pace and reps.

You must be a member to view this session.

For the full At Home program and access to our video library and mobility plans, please go to the members area or sign up here.

Note. This is one part of the full session that is available to members.

For the full At Home program and access to our video library and mobility plans, please go to the members area or sign up here.



800m Jog
2 Rounds of:
10 Hip extension/abductions
10 Banded squats
10 e/side Banded lateral steps
10 e/side Band rotations, change stance each round
2 Rounds of:
10m A-march + jog back
10m B-march + jog back
10m “Frankenstein” + jog back
200m Run
800m Run @ progressively faster pace, building to your race pace for the final 200m


A) Run intervals
4 x 200m @ Fast
Recovery b/t repeats: 200m jog/walk in 2-3m

3-5min walk for rest before next part
5-6 x 800m @ 5km pace
Recovery b/t repeats: 400m jog in 2-3m

3-5min walk for rest before next part
4 x 200m @ Fast
Recovery: 200m jog in 60-90s

Option. If you cannot run, you could do the same with any “cardio” equipment you have available (row, ski, air bike, C2 Bike etc.). Use the one hour max effort pace as reference for pacing.


A) 40 to 60-minute Run @ easy pace

Take an opportunity for an easier run. Focus on maintaining a good posture and arm swing as you run. Your aim is to do nose breathing only (in + out) and if you’re tracking your HR, this should be a “Z2” effort (it should feel like an easy effort, although nose breathing might present a challenge of its own).

Option. If you cannot run, you could do the same with any “cardio” equipment you have available (row, ski, air bike, C2 Bike etc.)


A) Wrist warm-up
Follow along with the video, spend more time on any of the drills that feel challenging to you

B) HSPU Skill circuit – 2 to 3 rounds of
10-sec bent leg tripod headstand hold (against the wall) + 5 pulses of the knees
10 to 15-sec bent leg tripod headstand away from wall
1-3 tuck tripod headstand kip extension to handstand (against the wall)
1-3 tuck tripod headstand kip extension to handstand (away from the wall)

(Rest as needed b/t exercises)
Rest 60 to 90-seconds between rounds

C) Ring Muscle-up (strength circuit) – 3 rounds of:
30-seconds Table top pulses
8 back support slide throughs (2-sec pause each position)
8m Reverse Seal walk
8 Russian v-snaps
8 Muscle-up push-ups
30-second ring front support hold or if you don’t have any rings then complete an 30-second planche lean hold

(Rest as needed b/t exercises)
Rest 60-seconds between each round

Note. Use a towel on the floor for sliding

D) Planche conditioning set – 3 rounds:
5 Tuck open out to planche position
5 Planche slides
5-second Planche Lean
5 Planche push-ups
5 Compression slides

(Aim for minimal rest b/t exercises)
Rest 1-minute b/t rounds

Note. Use a towel on the floor for sliding, feet do not have to be elevated


1) Today’s run intervals are a combo of 800m and 200m repeats. The intent is to work on your speed on the first 200m when you’re fresh then push hard to maintain that speed under fatigue on the 2nd set of 200m. The 800s build stamina at your 5km pace.

2) The easy run is 40 to 60-minutes at a conversational/nose breathing pace, ideally somewhere interesting and perhaps in good company.
Today’s gymnastics option is a collection of straight arm and bent arm strength.


A) Hip Recovery Flow
Follow along (pause the video where needed as you’re learning the sequence) to give your hips some love.


A) Shoulder Recovery Flow
Follow along (pause the video where needed as you’re learning the sequence) to give your shoulders some love.

Note. This is one part of the full session that is available to members.

For the full At Home program and access to our video library and mobility plans, please go to the members area or sign up here.


A) 4 Rounds for time
9 DB burpee deadlifts
12 DB hang power clean and jerks
15 DB squats

DBs. 2 x 22.5/15kg (50/35lbs) or what you have available


Your goal on this workout will be to split the DB work into appropriate sets and to manage your rest throughout so you can sustain a threshold pace all the way through.

Target to move through each set of DB burpee deadlifts with as minimal rest as possible. Find a rhythm that allows you to just keep chipping away at each set. Keep the hang clean and jerk to minimal sets, but break as needed in order to maintain your pace and avoid resting longer later.

If you can, target to finish out each round with an unbroken set of squats.

You must be a member to view this session.

For the full At Home program and access to our video library and mobility plans, please go to the members area or sign up here.


A) Hip Recovery Flow
Follow along (pause the video where needed as you’re learning the sequence) to give your hips some love.


A) Shoulder Recovery Flow
Follow along (pause the video where needed as you’re learning the sequence) to give your shoulders some love.